U3A South Australia
U3A South Australia
formerly Alliance of U3As in South Australia
Staying active: mentally, physically and socially

U3A Tea Tree Gully Campus 22 Golden Grove Rd Modbury North, SA 5092

08 8842 3939 Secretary

PO Box 76 Clare, SA 5453
Quarterly, usually last Friday of school holidays, U3A Tea Tree Gully campus
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
U3A SA is the State network and peak body for U3As operating in South Australia
- Promotes U3A movement within SA
- Liaises with government and other peak bodies
- Seeks funding on behalf of Member Organisations
- Provides assistance to start new U3As
- Maintains State website
- Hosts quarterly meetings for Member Organisations
- Represents SA with U3A Alliance Australia
Last updated: 09/08/2023
Information provided for: Tea Tree Gully Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Tea Tree Gully Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Tea Tree Gully
Electorate (State): Newland
Electorate (Federal): Makin

- 175Adult Education
- 14Continuing Education
- 3339Education
- 175 Adult Education
- 10 Development Education
- 4 Distance Education
- 19 Education (Interest Groups)
- 4 Education Issues
- 13 Education Resource Centres
- 29 Financial Assistance (Education)
- 1 Home Schooling
- 447 Living Skills
- 104 Migrant Education
- 7 Overseas Study
- 114 Remedial Education
- 19 School Libraries
- 6 School Sport
- 2107 Schools
- 21 Student Advisory Services
- 5 Teachers
- 43 Tertiary Education
- 16 Tutoring
- 76 Vocational Education & Training