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Waikerie and Districts Machinery Preservation Society Inc. (WDMPS)
Waikerie and Districts Machinery Preservation Society Inc. (WDMPS)

Rowe St Waikerie, SA 5330

0419 848 213

PO Box 1071 Waikerie, SA 5330
President, Rex Neville
Monthly (except Jan), 2nd Thurs 7.30pm, Clubrooms, Machinery Museum, Rowe St, Waikerie Museum: Open Days - June long weekend Note: Also open by appointment Riverland Hit 'n' Miss Rally: Bi-annually (odd years), 2nd weekend August, Benson Park, 13 Jacobs St, Waikerie
New members always welcome
Annual membership fee
Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
- Machinery Museum (note opening terms)
- Open Days with working displays
- Riverland Hit 'n' Miss Rally:
- Engine displays and demonstrations
- Tractor pull
- Vintage and and classic tractor displays
- Horse Ploughing
- Blacksmithing
- Farm animals
- Variety of collectables
Last updated: 18/10/2022
Information provided for: Loxton Waikerie District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Loxton Waikerie District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Loxton Waikerie
Electorate (State): Chaffey
Electorate (Federal): Barker
- 484Community Events
- 3 Anniversaries
- 7 Art Competitions
- 6 Awareness Weeks
- 5 Circuses
- 34 Community Markets
- 38 Exhibitions
- 28 Fairs
- 60 Festivals
- 2 Gymkhanas
- 91 Markets
- 4 Public Holidays
- 1 Rodeos
- 85 School Holidays
- 41 Shows
- 3Farm Equipment
- 27Machinery Preservation
- 92Museums