Beachside Ukulele Strummers (BUS)
Beachside Ukulele Strummers (BUS)
Ukulele group that plays and enjoys the Ukulele

Boathouse Hotel, Victoria Rd Osborne, SA 5017

0411 064 320 Ann
Weekly, Wed 7pm - 9pm
We are a friendly group and we welcome new members whether beginners, intermediate or experienced players. Come for a meal from 5.30pm before the session and join in the fun.
- Ukulele playing
- Ukulele appreciation
- Beginners, intermediate to experienced players
- Welcome new members
Last updated: 25/11/2024
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Port Adelaide Enfield
Electorate (State): Port Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Hindmarsh

- 541Music
- 64 Bands
- 1 Busking
- 101 Choirs
- 10 Classical Music
- 8 Country Music
- 2 Eisteddfods
- 10 Folk Music
- 26 Hip Hop
- 16 Jazz
- 12 Music Appreciation
- 6 Music Teachers
- 28 Musical Instruments
- 16 Musical Societies
- 5 Operas
- 16 Orchestras
- 74 Singing
- 28Musical Instruments