Justices of the Peace - Onkaparinga
Justices of the Peace - Onkaparinga
JP locations in the City of Onkaparinga

Onkaparinga, SA 5168

08 8384 0666 Onkaparinga Council
13 1882 Justice of the Peace Services
13 1882 Justice of the Peace Services

PO Box 1 Noarlunga Centre, SA 5168
Parent Body:
Branch address:
- JPs in the City of Onkaparinga are available at:
- Aberfoyle Park - Erin Thompson MP Office
- Aberfoyle Hub Shopping Centre, Shop 11, Hub Dr, Aberfoyle Park 5159
- JP available, Call to confirm.
- Phone 08 8270 5122 to confirm availability
- Aberfoyle Park - Hub Library
- Hub Dr, Aberfoyle Park 5159
- Mon 11am - 12noon, Thurs 5.30pm - 6.30pm
- Phone 08 8384 0100 to confirm availabilty
- Aldinga Beach - Aldinga Library
- 11 Central Way, Aldinga Beach 5173
- Tues 3pm - 4.30pm, Sat 10am - 12noon
- Phone 08 8384 0022 to confirm availability
- Christie Downs - Christies Beach Magistrates' Court
- 96 Dyson Rd, Christie Downs 5164
- Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
- Phone 08 8204 2444 to confirm availabilty
- Morphett Vale - Amanda Rishworth MP Office
- 232 Main South Rd, Morphett Vale 5162
- Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm
- Phone 08 8186 2588 to confirm availability
- Morphett Vale - Woodcroft Library / Woodcroft-Morphett Vale Neighbourhood Centre
- 175 Bains Rd, Morphett Vale 5162
- Tues, Wed & Fri 9am - 1.30pm
- Phone 08 8384 0070 to confirm availability. No appointment necessary.
- Noarlunga Centre - Noarlunga Library
- Hannah Rd, Noarlunga Centre 5168
- Mon - Sat 10am - 1pm
- Phone 08 8384 0655 to confim availability
- Old Reynella - Reynella Neighbourhood Centre
- 164-170 Old South Rd, Old Reynella 5161
- Tues 9am - 12noon
- Phone 08 8322 3591 to confirm availability. No appointment required.
- Seaford - Seaford Community Centre
- Beechwood Grove, Seaford
- Wed 12 - 2.45pm
- Phone 8386 3319 to confirm availability
- Seaford - Seaford Library
- Grand Blvd, Seaford 5169
- Tues 10am - 1pm
- Phone 08 8384 0044 to confirm availability
- Seaford Meadows - Chris Picton MP Office
- 760 Grand Blvd, Seaford Meadows 5169
- Mon 10am - 12pm, Fri 11am - 1pm
- Phone 08 8327 0900 to confirm availability
- Willunga - Willunga Library
- St Peter's Tce, Willunga 5172
- Wed 10am - 12noon
- Phone 08 8384 0006 to confirm availability
Justices of the Peace are volunteers who can provide an independent witness of documents to use for official or legal purposes.
- witness to documents use for official or legal purposes
- attest the execution of a document
- witness an affidavit for use in court
- witness a statutory declaration
- certify a true copy of an original document
- certify a person’s identity.
Last updated: 17/01/2024
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Mawson
Electorate (Federal): Kingston