Central Adelaide and Hills PIR (CAH PIR)
Central Adelaide and Hills PIR (CAH PIR)
Central Adelaide and Hills PIR (Partners in Recovery)

477-479 Regency Rd Prospect, SA 5082

08 8465 7052
1800 894 448
1800 894 448

08 8465 7053
Parent Body:
Neami National
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5pm
Closed public holidays
Closed public holidays
People aged between 18 and 65, residing in the Central Adelaide and Hills area who have, or may have, a diagnosed mental illness that is severe in degree and persistent in duration. People with complex needs that require substantial services and support from multiple agencies.
People without existing coordination arrangements in place to assist them to access needed services, or where they are in place, those arrangements have failed. People who consent to being involved in PIR.
People without existing coordination arrangements in place to assist them to access needed services, or where they are in place, those arrangements have failed. People who consent to being involved in PIR.
Partners in Recovery is a federally funded service. In the Central Adelaide and Hills region Partners in Recovery is delivered by a consortium of 7 non-government organisations who work together in partnership to deliver this program. The partners are Life without Barriers, Mission Australia, Mind, Neami National, Skylight, Uniting Care Wesley Bowden, and Uniting SA.
Neami National is the lead agency, providing a centralized intake service and program management and support.
- Public, community and private mental health support,
- Private psychiatrists and psychologists
- Primary health including GPs and community health services
- Alcohol and other drug treatment, disability, housing, family violence and other community services
- Centrelink and income support
- Training, education and employment
- Parenting support and child protection
- Accessing the NDIS
Last updated: 26/02/2024
Information provided for: Prospect Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Prospect Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Prospect
Electorate (State): Enfield
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide