ADRA Op Shop - Victor Harbor (ADRA SA)
ADRA Op Shop - Victor Harbor (ADRA SA)
ADRA Op Shop - Sells cheap household goods and clothing

49 Maude St Victor Harbor, SA 5211

0473 252 958 Dawn Peterson
Parent Body:
Tues - Wed 9am - 5pm
Sun 1Oam - 4pm
Sun 1Oam - 4pm
Manager, Dawn Peterson
- Opportunity shop
- Sells furniture, manchester, books, toys, clothing, bric-a-brac, kitchenware, shoes, handbags plus much more
- Home delivery of furniture is available
- Voluntary Work
Last updated: 31/01/2024
Information provided for: Victor Harbor Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Information provided for: Victor Harbor Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Council: City of Victor Harbor
Electorate (State): Finniss
Electorate (Federal): Mayo
- 123Books
- 118Clothing
- 39Clothing Assistance
- 374Fund Raising
- 62Furniture
- 13Furniture Assistance
- 293Opportunity Shops
- 98Secondhand Books
- 164Secondhand Goods
- 39Seventh Day Adventist
- 318Voluntary Work
- 305Volunteers