Goody Patch Community Garden
Goody Patch Community Garden

Cnr Surrey St and Essex St Goodwood, SA 5034

0433 765 577

22 Cromer Pde Millswood, SA 5034
The Goody Patch is open to the community at all times
Goody Patch Convenors
Working bees: Monthly, 1st Sun
Cuppa in the Patch: Fortnightly, Fri 9.30am - 11am
Regular planning meetings to direct the future and maintenance of the garden, Goody Patch Members.
Open to all local residents throughout the year. Individual plots are subject to availability.
Yearly fees apply; Goody Patch plot holder fee or Friend of the Goody Patch fee
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets
The Goody Patch Community Garden is an outdoor space where local people come together to grow food and community, enjoyed and shared by both those in the neighbourhood as well as the Goodwood Primary School community. The garden promotes sustainability, food security and community connections
- Community Garden
- Outdoor community and learning space
Last updated: 30/10/2024
Information provided for: Unley Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Unley Council (Library)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: City of Unley
Electorate (State): Unley
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide