Neami Hendon
Neami Hendon

8 Butler Drive Hendon, SA 5014

08 8714 9040

08 8121 7682
Mon - Fri, 8:30am - 5pm
Closed public holidays
Closed public holidays
Referrals can be made by individuals, carers, families, mental health professionals or other health care providers.
IHBSS eligibility and referrals: IHBSS is for people who:
Are aged 16 and over.
Have a serious mental illness and functional disability.
Are at risk of relapsing without support.
Require short-term intensive support.
Have complex needs (including co-morbid disabilities and drug and alcohol issues).
IHBSS eligibility and referrals: IHBSS is for people who:
Are aged 16 and over.
Have a serious mental illness and functional disability.
Are at risk of relapsing without support.
Require short-term intensive support.
Have complex needs (including co-morbid disabilities and drug and alcohol issues).
We encourage referrals from people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, youth and refugees.
Referrals to this service can be made through:
Port Adelaide Mental Health - 08 7425 3800
West Adelaide Mental Health - 08 7425 3800
IHBSS (Intensive Home Based Support Services) provides psychosocial support for people who either have experienced acute episodes of mental illness requiring hospitalisation or who are at risk of being admitted to hospital.
- Community based mental health support
- Community outreach support
- Community and group programs
- Intensive Home Based Support Services (IHBSS)
Last updated: 01/11/2023
Information provided for: Charles Sturt Council (City of Charles Sturt)
This record was updated by: Natasha.
Information provided for: Charles Sturt Council (City of Charles Sturt)
This record was updated by: Natasha.
Council: City of Charles Sturt
Electorate (State): Lee
Electorate (Federal): Hindmarsh