Indonesian Students Association - Flinders University (PPIA Flinders)

Indonesian Students Association - Flinders University (PPIA Flinders)

Parent Body:
International Flinders University Students from Indonesia

Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Australia (PPI Australia) was founded in Canberra on March 8, 1981. One of our main purposes is to serve and unite Indonesian students in Australia as well as to promote Indonesian culture to the Australian community.

The structure of the organisation consists of PPI Australia Pusat (Central PPI Australia), PPI Australia Cabang (branch in each state), PPI Australia Ranting (sub-branch in each educational institution). 

Flinders University (PPIA Flinders) is a sub-branch of PPIA branch of South Australia (PPIA SA). PPIA Flinders University is trying to help the Indonesian students to adapt and socialise with other Indonesian students through social events that we hold. Currently, PPIA Flinders currently has around 200 Indonesian students that are currently studying at Flinders University.

  • Flinders University Indonesian students social group
Last updated: 27/09/2023
Information provided for: Mitcham Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Mitcham
Electorate (State): Davenport
Electorate (Federal): Boothby
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