Indonesian Student Association - UniSA (PPIA UniSA)

Indonesian Student Association - UniSA (PPIA UniSA)

Parent Body:
International University of South Australia Students from Indonesia
Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Australia (PPI Australia) was founded in Canberra on March 8, 1981. One of our main purposes is to serve and unite Indonesian students in Australia as well as to promote Indonesian culture to the Australian community.

The structure of the organisation consists of PPI Australia Pusat (Central PPI Australia), PPI Australia Cabang (branch in each state), PPI Australia Ranting (sub-branch in each educational institution). 

PPIA University of South Australia (PPIA UniSA) is a sub-branch of PPIA branch of South Australia (PPIA SA). PPIA UniSA is an organisation that is open especially for Indonesian students who are studying at the University of South Australia (Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and PhD Students). The organisation has several goals which include;
1. Create and develop a sense of brotherhood among Indonesian students in Australia (UniSA).
2. Create and develop both internal and external in the interest of members and the organization.
3. Create and develop educational activities, social, and cultural benefit to the members and the organisation.
4. Accommodate the member of organization to participate on the events (National and International) that beneficial for the organisation.
  • University of South Australia Indonesian students social group
Last updated: 01/09/2022
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide
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