Uniting Church - Karoonda
Uniting Church - Karoonda
Uniting Church

Karoonda Districts Uniting Church 7 Peake St Karoonda, SA 5307

08 8578 1240
08 8578 1098 Administration
08 8578 1241 Pastoral Care
08 8578 1098 Administration
08 8578 1241 Pastoral Care

0488 034 202 Pastoral Care
Parent Body:
Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of SA
Administration Assistant, Robyn Burdett
Pastoral Care, Don Loller
Pastoral Care, Don Loller
Sun 10am (except for fifth Sunday where an Ecumenical Service is held at 10.30am in the Karoonda Football Clubrooms)
Uniting Church services
- Churches services and pastoral care
Last updated: 06/03/2024
Information provided for: Karoonda East Murray (District Council of Karoonda East Murray)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Karoonda East Murray (District Council of Karoonda East Murray)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Karoonda East Murray
Electorate (State): Chaffey
Electorate (Federal): Barker

- 1741Churches, Religions
- 126 Anglican
- 54 Australian Christian Churches
- 17 Baha'i
- 72 Baptist
- 1 Brethren
- 12 Buddhist
- 199 Catholic
- 12 Christadelphians
- 1 Christian Science
- 47 Churches of Christ
- 1 Hare Krishna
- 6 Hindu
- 18 Islam
- 15 Jehovah's Witnesses
- 3 Judaism
- 9 Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
- 124 Lutheran
- 51 Non-Denominational Churches & Religions
- 29 Orthodox Churches
- 43 Pentecostal
- 15 Presbyterian & Reformed
- 73 Salvation Army
- 39 Seventh Day Adventist
- 4 Sikh
- 6 Spiritualist
- 1 Unitarian
- 168 Uniting Church
- 168Uniting Church