Adding your ABN: Australian Business Number

Update a record by adding the ABN - Australian Business Number

An ABN is a unique 11-digit number that identifies a business or organisation to the government and community.

An ABN increases the credibility of an organisation or business through addition to the Australian Business Register (ABR) it lists public information that helps to check an organisation including the Entity Name, ABN Status - Active or Cancelled, Entity Type, Main Business Location Postcode and State, and ACNC registration if relevant. 

Copy the organisation name and note the postcode

Find an organisation's ABN by visiting ABN Lookup

Paste/Enter the name of the organisation and select 'Search'

Identify the correct organisation (sometimes it helps to skim the Location and look for the corresponding postcode and state SA) and select the ABN Number

ABN Lookup provides the ABN number (select and copy)

The site also also provides additional information on:
ABN Status whether the organisation is still registered and active on the business register (if the organisation is inactive - 'Cancelled' this may mean the organisation has closed)
ACNC Registration as applicable to add to an organisation's accreditation field.
Entity type of organisation whether an incorporated body (Inc.) /community group, business or government organisation.
Business name can assist in identifying former or additional names the organisation is known by.
Select Edit organisation

Select Services and scroll down the page

Locate the ABN Field and Paste the ABN number into the field. Save and Exit.

What if I am looking for all services under a specific subject?
Many organisations will have their subject in their name, this will provide multiple, broader search results.

You can refine your search by selecting various criteria to limit the results.

Selecting SA as the location, narrows and limits the matches found to those only in South Australia. This is also a method of finding missing services within the directory.

Selecting the postcode to filter and limit the matches found to those in that postcode area can also assist in finding the ABN. This can also be used to find services that are not in the initial results or are missing from the directory.

Ensure that the ABN Status is Active, as 'Cancelled' - illustrated above can be an indication that an organisation has closed. 


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