What: Volunteer Secretary Needed
Who: ABC Friends SA/NT
How: Contact - abcfriendssa@gmail.com...
SA Community Blog
Who: Prospect Community Garden
When: Tues 9am - 12pm; Sat 9am - 12pm
How: Visitors welcome during opening times
Prospect residents and friends welcome to become involved as...
Welcome Ziqi!
Ziqi Xu joined our Data Analytics Team on the 25 July 2022, a PhD candidate at the University of South Australia (UniSA)...
Welcome Cecilia!
Cecilia Mao joined our Media and Communications Team for her Adelaide University Undergraduate Professions Internship on July...
Welcome Taylor!
Taylor Alland joined our Media and Communications Team for his Adelaide University Arts, Business, Law, and Economics Internship for...
Welcome Julia!
Julia Koh joined the SAcommunity Data Analytics Team at Connecting Up for her Adelaide University ECMS (Engineering Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Sciences) Internship for...
When 16 and 17 July 2022
Time 9.00am- 4.30pm
Where Ingkarni Wardli 7.15 Conference Room, University of Adelaide
Cost $150 for 2-day workshop
How Book Online at ...
The Palm House, Adelaide Botanic Garden, courtesy of L. McIntyre
10 July 2022
What: Sea Sunday
Who: Merchant Navy Association of SA