ME/CFS SA Online at New Year helping the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Community

What: ME/CFS New Year’s Eve Online
With: SA ME/CFS Society
Who: People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
When: Friday 31 December 2022, 11pm Adelaide (11.30 AEDT; 10.30pm Qld; 8.30pm WA)
How: Zoom Call - Email for details
Celebrate New Year's Eve with us in the comfort and quiet of your own home. Join us on Zoom to see in the New Year together!
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Support in SA
The advent of Long Covid and symptoms such as Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM), a pathological loss of energy, has brought to light similar conditions such as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). Groups listed on SAcommunity that provide support for people with ME/CFS include the Bridges and Pathways Institute and ME/CFS South Australia.
ME/CFS South Australia has been helping the ME/CFS community with awareness, advocacy and support. The SAcommunity Team was introduced to the work of ME/CFS SA via their upcoming New Year's Eve Online event in the SAcommunity December Community Events calendar to support people impacted by ME/CFS over the Christmas New Year period, and decided to find out more about this organisation:
ME/CFS South Australia is a volunteer-run charity that has been providing a range of services for the ME/CFS community for more than 35 years.
To support their members over the Christmas and New Year period, the organisation is running a Zoom event so that people with ME/CFS can see in the New Year together online in their own home. In addition to running online support group events over the holidays, contact the organisation for further details.
About ME/CFS
The cause of ME/CFS is unclear. The most commonly reported precipitating factor is an infection, it is complex and may have a variety of triggers and genetic components. The impact of ME/CFS on people can vary from mild with a 50% loss of function, moderate, severe, to very severe where an individual is bedbound, unable to eat, drink or even speak.
Basic activities of daily living such as toileting, bathing, dressing, talking, and reading can trigger Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM). Symptoms fluctuate and the debilitating symptoms of ME/CFS prevent people from engaging in pre-illness levels of activity for years and often decades.
The work of ME/CFS South Australia charity aims to increase knowledge and understanding through education, research and advocacy, so that people with ME/CFS can receive appropriate diagnosis, treatment and care; receive equitable access to health, welfare, disability, education and community services and experience improved quality of life.
ME/CFS SA Services
ME/CFS SA is a community based, 100% volunteer organisation, with volunteers contributing their time from a peer support perspective. Most of the ME/CFS volunteers have ME/CFS, including severely, whilst some care for a person with the illness, and all work together, in-person and/or via the internet to help others.
The registered charity undertakes a range of activities that create awareness, advocacy and provide information for people with ME/CFS. The organisation also publishes Talking Point magazine, organises quarterly seminars with research from clinicians, and provides peer support with volunteers hosting face-to-face, online and telephone opportunities for people with ME/CFS and their carers to socialise and learn from each other.
Find out more
If you would like to know more about ME/CFS or the ME/CFS SA and how they support people impacted by ME/CFS visit
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