Tea Tree Gully Council

Adelaide University Internship Experience and Industry Project - Mostafa Didar Mahdi

Welcome Mostafa!
Mostafa Didar Mahdi joined our SAcommunity Data Analytics Team for his University of Adelaide SET (Sciences, Engineering and Technology) Internship for his Master of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Trimester 1 & 2, 2024: 23 January 2024 -  22 July 2024. He completed a 280 hour internship onsite with SAcommunity at the Connecting Up Office, Infoxchange for 3 days (22.5 hours) a week for ~14 weeks around his classes and remotely offsite for the second half of his Internship and Industry Project. 

Muddy Hands Festival 6 October 2023

Image: Muddy Hands Festival courtesy of Jason Tyndall

What: Muddy Hands Festival
Who: Nature Play SA and City of Tea Tree Gully Council
Where: Golden Fields Reserve, Golden Grove 5125
When: Friday 6 October 2023, 10am - 3pm

ME/CFS SA Online at New Year helping the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Community

What: ME/CFS New Year’s Eve Online
With: SA ME/CFS Society
Who: People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
When: Friday 31 December 2022, 11pm Adelaide (11.30 AEDT; 10.30pm Qld; 8.30pm WA)
How: Zoom Call - Email contact@mecfssa.org.au for details 
Celebrate New Year's Eve with us in the comfort and quiet of your own home. Join us on Zoom to see in the New Year together!

School Holiday Programs at your Local Library 2021


Libraries across South Australia run many programs suitable for children and young people. These upcoming summer school holidays are no exception, with plenty of councils offering a variety of programs to entertain and educate children.

We have collated some of the libraries who are running school holiday programs. We would encourage checking with your local council area first if an event is going ahead prior to attending.

Anyone for Table Tennis?

Interested in Table Tennis?

The SAcommunity team have been in contact with a couple of Table Tennis Clubs lately, from Tea Tree Gully Table Tennis Club to Wistow Table Tennis Club in Mount Barker.

Climate Ready Communities - 7, 15, 21 February 2020

Climate Ready Champions Training

If you think we need to get ready as a community for changes in our climate, you can join our group of Climate Ready Champions. Climate Ready Champions are trained by Red Cross to help people understand how the things we value may be affected by our changing climate, and explore what we can do to take action. This is more relevant than ever given the national emergencies we are currently experiencing.

These upcoming one-day training sessions are currently open:

ROBOT HAVOC 2 - Adelaide Robot Combat 29 - 30 June 2019

Who: Adelaide Robot Combat
When: 29th and 30th of June 10am – 4pm
Where: 96-100 Franklin St, Adelaide, SA 5000
How: Pre-registration is required for bots, spectators free!

South Australia's History Festival 2017

Grab a program for South Australia's History Festival and schedule your entire month of May!


Have you ever wanted to see inside Glenside Hospital’s infamous Z Ward? Or get underground, in the Treasury tunnels? Or do you want to know about the poet who never lived, or the notorious body in the freezer? Get excited and get curious about history in South Australia with the History Festival which runs from 1 to 31 May 2017.


There’s everything you’d expect, and a whole lot more! 


Newroz Festival 2017 - New Year Festival

 The Adelaide Kurdish Youth Society will be hosting their annual Newroz (New Year) Festival to be held on Saturday the 18th March 2017 starting at 4pm in Civic Park, Modbury. 


Go swimmingly!

Spring is here - the outdoor pools are opening

Warmer days are here already! For those who are anticipating the start of the swimming season, here are the opening dates for municipal swimming pools in and around Adelaide:

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