Lyndoch Lunch & Tea Dances 18 June 2023

What: Lyndoch Lunch and Tea Dances
Who: Lyndoch Social Dancing & Lessons
Where: Lyndoch Hall, 31 Barossa Valley Way Lyndoch, SA 5351
When: 18th June,12noon - 4pm
Cost: $5
Contact: Irene: 08 8524 4067, Reg & Sue: 08 8258 9370


Love dancing, socialising, and exercising? Then this event is for you!


Dancing is not just dancing, it is both an exercise, and a way of expressing one's self. 

Enjoying ourselves in an expressive, free way, is something we all attain to do. Dancing is one of those activities where we can achieve just that. When you learn a dance, it is fun. When you dance a style that you know of, it is even more fun. Yes, dancing is a win-win activity. 

Lyndoch Social Dancing & Lessons hosts a series of events that anyone can attend - couples and singles are welcome! There is no need for any previous knowledge about dancing, join right in to their pre-event lessons as they teach you dance styles from Waltzes to the Fox Trot and embrace this casual and fun dance experience!

Lunch and Tea Dances for 2023
2023 for Lyndoch Social Dancing & Lessons will also be busy with its quarterly dances this year with a Lunchtime Dance on the 18th June (12pm-4pm), and Tea Dances on the 15th October (2pm-7pm), 10th December (2pm-6pm) and of course, the New Years Eve Dance (8pm-Late). Themes are still to be decided on the said dates, so stay tuned for more information.


Social & Monthly Dances
In addition to this, they offer monthly dancing which happens on the first Friday of every month. The Monthly Friday Dance is a special social day where people who regularly attend the weekly Friday dance lessons and socials, share their food (plate of supper), and they endeavour to promote these fun activities locally. Tea and Coffee are always provided.


Dancing - Creating Connections | Physical, Mental and Social Health

Irene, one of the key founders from Lyndoch Social Dancing & Lessons, is very passionate about dancing and advocates for people of all ages to join and try out their sessions.

"People can even just come around to listen to the music if they want to and simply watch the dances! It's more fun to have people around!" 

Lyndoch Social Dancing & Lessons aims to create connections and provide activities and events to improve people's physical, mental and social health through dance. They endeavour to make the lessons and socials affordable for everyone, at $5 per session. 

Wanna dance near your area?
If dancing as an extracurricular activity sounds fun to you, you can find 472 organisations listing dance in SAcommunity >>here and join an organisation that fits you.


Special thanks to Irene for sharing her sentiments regarding dancing, thank you!

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