
Lyndoch Lunch & Tea Dances 18 June 2023

What: Lyndoch Lunch and Tea Dances
Who: Lyndoch Social Dancing & Lessons
Where: Lyndoch Hall, 31 Barossa Valley Way Lyndoch, SA 5351
When: 18th June,12noon - 4pm
Cost: $5
Contact: Irene: 08 8524 4067, Reg & Sue: 08 8258 9370


Love dancing, socialising, and exercising? Then this event is for you!


Dancing is not just dancing, it is both an exercise, and a way of expressing one's self. 

Silver Threads Tap and Variety

What: Silver Threads Tap and Variety
Where: Enfield Community Centre, 540 Regency Road Enfield, SA 5085
When: Practice is held weekly on Wednesdays between 11:30am and 2:30pm at the Enfield Community Centre

Lenek Zabava 21 October 2023

What: Lenek Zabava 2023
Who: HFS Lenek Adelaide
Where: Croatian Club Adelaide 15 Wood Ave Brompton, SA 5007
When: 21 October 5:30pm
Cost: TBD

Feature: K-pop - Modern Dancing in Adelaide

Image and Content (edit.): Courtesy of Intern Stephanie Hoi Ching Wu

Dancing is a great way to connect with others who share your passion for music and movement. Through dancing you can make new friends, build confidence, have fun and improve your overall health and well-being.

Riverland Youth Theatre - Hip Hop & Contemporary Dance Workshops 17 March 2021

What: Hip Hop & Contemporary Dance Workshops for youth
Led by Wakara Gondarra (Djuki Mala dancer) and Janelle Egan
Who: Riverland Youth Theatre
When: Wednesday 17 March
Contemporary Dance - 10.30am - 12pm
Hip Hop Dance 1pm - 2.30pm
Mixed 5.30pm - 6.30pm
Visit: for more information 
How: Register by phone 85863437 or 0499778410 or email

All Aboard with the Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group

Photo: Members of the Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group at the Bunnings flash mob and celebrating their 10th birthday in 2018 

Located in Victor Harbor, Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group are a local square dancing club that have been bringing fun and fitness to the community since 2008

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