My Volunteer Experience - Govinda Gurung

Welcome Govinda!
Govinda Gurung joined our Data Analytics Team as a volunteer, whilst he studies his Masters at Flinders University beginning with the team this year on the 23 February 2023.
He attends for ~4 hours a week onsite at the Connecting Up Office around his classes, and has been a regular attendee, coming into the office every week.
Total Hours 126 Joined 23 February 2023 Last check-in 17 October 2023 (retired)
Personal Biography
Govinda Gurung is currently studying a Master of Computer Science at Flinders University, having arrived in Australia in August 2022 to seek more educational opportunities and new career experiences. Previously, he undertook a Bsc (Hons) Computer Science from the University of Wolverhampton campus in Nepal whilst working in his family's retail business. He is fascinated by data analytics and has been exploring different aspects as part of his IT studies, in particular the transforming and modelling of data to reveal new data insights.

Image: Volunteer Govinda with staff (onsite and remote) at a Connecting Up Team Meeting 14 March 2023
Building Connections and Networks
Work Experience - Internal Organisation Connections & Networks
Govinda has had the opportunity to attend Connecting Up meetings with staff, interns and other volunteers to learn more about the organisation, business teams and the services and products the organisation provides for other not-for-profits. He has also attended a series of People and Culture's Lunch & Learn meetings to keep up with various activities and learn more about the projects happening across Infoxchange offices across Australia.

Image: Volunteer Govinda Gurung attending one of the online Infoxchange People and Culture Sessions
People and Culture - Organisation-wide Connections & Networks
Infoxchange runs a series of 'Lunch & Learn' sessions on a variety of topics to learn all about the organisation itself and various divisions, activities and projects across Infoxchange as well as a range of learning and educational sessions on topics of interest in the IT sector. Govinda has attended educational sessions including:
Understanding the McKinsey 7 Step Problem Solving Process and How to Apply It by Ann Wen and Melanie Cornell from McKinsey.
Other Infoxchange Lunch & Learn Topics available to Govinda have included:
CEO Induction - David Spriggs,
Client & Case management,
Strategic Partnerships & Communications - Mike Davis,
People and Culture - Kate Hickman,
Finance - Tomer Ginel,
Products & Services,
Delivery Operations & Technology by Cass Read-Hamilton, Alison Ramsay & Glenden Woodworth

Mentor Informational Meeting
Volunteers and interns have the opportunity to undertake the SAcommunity mentor program, selecting and introducing themselves to a staff member working in an area of relevance to them. The program develops volunteers' understanding of the broader staff teams in Connecting Up, Adelaide and in Infoxchange offices across Australia in Melbourne, Brisbane and New Zealand, allows them to explore potential career pathways and goals, and builds their network of professional relationships. Mentees prepare 5 questions for their mentor and summarise the session with at least 5 takeaways from their informational interview.
During the meeting with James Newport, Senior Web Developer at Infoxchange, he shared his valuable experience in the field of IT and we had a good chat about the Australian IT sector. Here are the key takeways of the meeting:
Image: Volunteer Govinda Gurung assisted by Volunteer Stathis Avramis, Data Analytics Team Lead
The Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2023 Launch and an update on Mapping the Digital Gap Report attended by Intern Jordana Izquierdo, Volunteers Camille Sze Pui Ko and Govinda Gurung on Tuesday the 18 July 2023
Australian Digital Inclusion Index 2023 Launch
Infoxchange staff were invited in-person to the 2023 Australian Digital Inclusion Index Launch attended by staff members Pankaj Chhalotre, Head of Connecting Up and Catherine McIntyre, Community information and Volunteer Coordinator with the invitation extended to Data Analytics Team Volunteers Camille Sze Pui Ko, Govinda Gurung and Intern Jordana Izquierdo.

GovHack 2023
The SAcommunity Team has attended and supported GovHack for several years providing open data set for competitors, data mentors and promotion of the event. The annual open data hackathon was held this year on the 18 - 20 August 2023 across Australia and New Zealand and SAcommunity Team members attended the pre-competition 'Connections event' to represent Connecting Up and our commitment to open data through making the SAcommunity dataset available at Data.SA the South Australian government's open data directory.
GovHack Connections Event 9 August 2023: SAcommunity Volunteers Stathis Avramis, Neil Anubhav Dattagupta, Govinda Gurung and Navodani Thennakoon
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