Not-For-Profit Sector Development Blueprint Consultation - 1 November - 20 December 2023

What: Not-For-Profit Sector Development Blueprint Consultation
Who: Department of Social Services - Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG)
When: Opens 1 November 2023 - Closes 20 December 2023
How: Make a submission/complete a questionnaire ; Issues paper ; Register for Consultation Events
The Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG), a group of sector representatives, is seeking feedback on how the government can support creating a more vibrant and thriving Not-for-Profit (NFP) sector.
The issues paper ‘Not-for-Profit Sector Development Blueprint Issues Paper’ invites the NFP sector and the community to tell government what is needed to create a better future for:
· the Australian NFP and charities sector
· those who benefit and rely on it.
The NFP Blueprint Issues Paper seeks suggestions for sector-led workable and effective reform options. This opportunity will allow submissions to identify:
· changes that are needed immediately
· sustainable changes that can be implemented over a longer period.
Your feedback is important, as it will help inform the development of a NFP Blueprint which will provide a strategic vision for the sector for the next 10 years. Consultation closes 20 December 2023. Have your say today.
You can also register your interest on the DSS Engage website in attending an online forum to discuss priorities for the Blueprint.
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