
Applications now open for AED grant funding

Applications for the South Australian Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Grants Program are now open.


Preventive Health SA is offering grants of $1,000 to community and sporting organisations to assist with the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) per eligible location.

Unclaimed Rental Bonds


What: Unclaimed rental Bonds
Who: Consumer and Business Services (CBS), Government of South Australia
South Australians

Unclaimed rental bonds

Could your money be among the millions of dollars in former rent bonds going unclaimed?

Sometimes, as tenancies end, the money isn’t claimed back for a variety of reasons.

Not-For-Profit Sector Development Blueprint Consultation - 1 November - 20 December 2023

What: Not-For-Profit Sector Development Blueprint Consultation 
Who: Department of Social Services - Blueprint Expert Reference Group (BERG) 
When: Opens 1 November 2023 - Closes 20 December 2023

A stronger, more diverse and independent community sector


What: Community Sector Consultation
Who: Department of Social Services
When: Consultations Close 7 November 2023

The Department of Social Services is seeking feedback on how the government can strengthen the community sector.

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