Farewell Professional Year Interns

Photo: Chen Li, Sandra Vallance - Acting Chief Executive Officer, Connecting Up and Renu Bala after presenting the results of their final project
Today we farewell our two new Professional Year interns Chen Li and Renu Bala, both UniSA Masters of IT graduates, who have worked together with our long-term volunteer Stathis Avramis over the last three months on creating a more sustainable volunteer model by implementing the volunteer management software investigated last year to structure volunteer admission and management processes, training and development.
"Connecting Up, a real place to demonstrate your skills and knowledge at a professional level, if you are looking to apply them and become proficient." Chen
"I have thoroughly enjoyed being here. I couldn’t think of any other place to do an internship. You have made this internship really valuable and interesting." Renu
We have thoroughly enjoyed working with them both and wish them all the very best for their future career.
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