Woodworkers Shed - 'Come and Visit' 3rd August 2019

What: Woodworkers 'Come and Visit' Project Day
Who: The Woodworkers Shed Northern Districts S.A. (Inc)
When: 3rd August 2019 from 9 – 2pm 
Where: Woodworkers Shed, Lawrie Ave Salisbury North, SA 5108

The Woodworkers Shed Northern Districts SA celebrates their 20 years of service this year and are looking for new members to join their friendly team! We spoke to Secretary Dene Slape earlier this week to find out about their fantastic work in supporting their community by making wooden toys for local charities such as Lions to distribute to disadvantaged children.

Interested? Why not visit the team on their next Introductory Project Day 3rd August 2019 from 9 – 2pm to see examples of their work and find out more. Contact the club by phone or email to RSVP and let them know your interest or just ‘turn up’ on the day, open to men and women over 18 years for safety reasons.

Woodworkers Shed Northern Districts SA - Contributed by Dene Slape

Membership of The Woodworkers Shed Northern Districts S.A. (Inc) entitles you to the use of a fully equipped woodworking workshop at Happy Home Reserve, Lawrie Ave Salisbury. In the club environment members can enjoy the company of others with similar interests, in a friendly environment. 

The Woodworkers Shed Northern Districts S.A. (Inc) is not a “Mens Shed”. Membership is offered to both men and women over 18 years who are interested in any form of woodwork (toy makers, scrollsawers, turners, joiners, pyrographers etc). 
All members must participate in training before using any machine. Assistance and training in their use is provided through demonstrations and instruction sessions conducted by suitably experienced people. 
Members meet each Tuesday and Thursday, to manufacture a variety of wooden toys which are donated to local charities for distribution to disadvantaged children just prior to Christmas each year. The toy making activity provides the joy that would otherwise be missing from the lives of the disadvantaged children at Christmas time. 
Members have the opportunity to attend project days, (1st Saturday each month) and either participate in the manufacture of projects for the club or for themselves, or by participating in toy making.
Club membership is $60 per annum and a $2 fee is payable for each attendance.
Good fellowship to others is fostered by inviting members of other woodworking clubs or organizations to attend the monthly meetings held on the third Thursday night in each month, to demonstrate their particular woodworking skill, or as a guest speaker on their chosen subject. Members can also bring items they have made for a “show and tell” session, to share their knowledge and demonstrate their skills.

Find out more by contacting the club Woodworkers Shed - Northern Districts SA Inc.

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