Kiwanis Bus Service

Kiwanis Bus Service provides affordable day or half day outings for groups who are unable to travel on a normal bus. Kiwanis buses have been specifically engineered to cater for people with physical disabilities such as the frail, aged and special needs groups. The service is owned and operated by the Kiwanis Clubs of South Australia and is managed by a volunteer board. All drivers, driver assistants and office staff are volunteers. It is believed Kiwanis Bus Service is unique in Australia and possibly the world, as its owner is a service club with no paid staff .
The service was founded in August 1981 as the Wales Bus by the Bank of NSW, now Westpac. The bank supplied a new Toyota Coaster bus and approached Kiwanis to manage and provide drivers for the service. Since 1997 Kiwanis have purchased buses with limited corporate sponsorship and the service has been known as the Kiwanis Bus Service.
During 31 years of service, Kiwanis buses have travelled well over 800,000 kms and carried approximately 150,000 seated passengers and an additional 15,000 passengers in wheelchairs. Volunteer drivers, driver assistants and office volunteers have amassed close to 100,000 hours of voluntary service to the people of South Australia. In 2011 alone the Kiwanis Bus travelled 35,000 km carrying nearly 6200 passengers that also included 575 in wheelchairs. Our volunteer drivers, driver assistants, office staff and board members provided 5275 voluntary hours.
By the end of 2011 the number of volunteer drivers was down to just 16, several of whom are aged over 70. The service is also struggling to keep up the number of office volunteers needed to run the office efficiently. The Kiwanis Bus Service is in need of more volunteer drivers with an MR class licence to keep this service viable. Any interested people can contact the office on 8295 4077 or Bruce Laity on 0419 832 990.
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