The 2011 Directory of Community Services has been published and to commemorate this edition and our refreshed cover page we'd like to share some of our older directory covers...
SA Community Blog

Our CEO Doug posted this youtube video around the office this morning. I cried at work.
So many people have the ability to see...

Today I'll be attending my first community editors meeting. I'm looking forward to meeting staff from these local councils:
- ...

Beyond Blue says that 'food can play a vital role in maintaining mental health as well as physical health.' I could not agree with this more heartily! When I eat the types of food that are listed in the eat most section of...

This months selection of community meetings, events and seminars happening around South Australia:
- Willunga Environment Centre Inc. "Community, Sustainability & Environment Expo" Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October, 10am – 4pm both...

Spring is definitely in the air and this newsletter's main story is inspired by a shopping trip to the Adelaide Showground Farmers Market and a drive out to a plant sale at the...

Phew! I hope that caught your attention. We're moving the SAcommunity Newsletter to a new site.