Community events - New Years Eve 2011
Submitted by KatieH on Thu, 03/29/2012 - 16:01

If you're looking for a community event for New Years Eve, why not head along to one of these events on December 31 and bring in 2012 with some fireworks!
- Adelaide - 7pm, Elder Park
- Adelaide Hills - 7:30 pm, Federation Park, Gumeracha
- Copper Coast - Wallaroo Break Water
- Holdfast Bay - Brighton Foreshore, fireworks on the jetty
- Holdfast Bay - 6:30 pm, Moseley Square, Glenelg
- Mount Gambier - 5pm, Vansittart Park
- Port Pirie - 7pm, Memorial Park
- Renmark Paringa - Murray River, adjacent to the Renmark Club
- Streaky Bay - Doctors Beach
- Yankalilla Council - Normanville Foreshore
Thanks to bayasaa on Flickr for the photo.
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