All Aboard with the Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group

Photo: Members of the Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group at the Bunnings flash mob and celebrating their 10th birthday in 2018
Located in Victor Harbor, Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group are a local square dancing club that have been bringing fun and fitness to the community since 2008
The Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group are a South Australian square dancing club located in Victor Harbor where they conduct weekly square dancing sessions each Friday night enjoying the social and fitness benefits dance brings. In operation since 2008, the group are very active within their community, offering demonstrations at various locations and events across the region such as nursing homes, shopping centres, Christmas Pageants and street festivals such as 'Goolwa Alive'.
'Come and celebrate a weekly Friday night dancing event'
The club has evolved from its humble beginnings - initially meeting in members’ lounge rooms - to shift locations to spacious Carrickalinga House as the group grew and expanded. Dancing to all types of music, their Friday night sessions take place from 7pm to 9:30pm, with a dedicated beginners session running for the first hour. The group is always looking for new members and happy to welcome and accommodate newcomers alongside their current dancers.
At the conclusion of the evening they host supper, with participants encouraged to bring a plate to share. These meetings and suppers include monthly theme nights, such as Soup Night, Chocolate Night and calendar events including Australia Day and Valentine's Day, offering the chance for existing and new members to socialise after the dancing is done.
'Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group has strong links to the square dancing community in SA and interstate'
In March 2019, at the local Bunnings, they participated what was only Australia's second square dance flash mob, in which over seventy people from across the square dancing community in South Australia took part. In fact, the groups' strong ties helped celebrate the Paddle Steamers 10th birthday with 3 days of dancing and fun with local and visiting interstate dancers and callers back in 2018.
'Dancing around Covid-19 in 2020'
Although the unprecedented events of the last twelve months meant the club had to limit its in-person gatherings, virtual meetings have taken place instead, with some members participating in zoom square dancing events with people from across the globe.‘Think outside the square for square dancing’ was started by an Australian club from Perth and has become an internationally shared activity.
One Square Dancing member explained, “This morning I virtually square danced with over 80 people from across the world; America, Sweden, Japan, Canada and formed great connections overseas. ‘I’m going to visit some of these clubs when I next travel. It’s lovely catching up with other dancers even if only on screen.”
During this time the Club also continued to keep in contact (within social distancing rules) to members by phone, checking if people are okay. "If there’s one thing that happened with Covid is that people have learnt to be kind and look after one another" and at Easter some members of the club committee dressed up in bunny ears and delivered (at a distance) 90 Easter eggs to current and former club members.
'The Paddle Steamers are back in 2021'
The Paddle Steamers Square Dance Group are very happy, however, to be back in-person at Carrickalinga House for 2021. They are always looking for new people to join them on Fridays for an evening of fitness and fun. Although small, they are an influential group within the Victor Harbour community, with an informal policy of 'keep them laughing and keep them interested!'
The weekly sessions operate for a small fee of only $8 for non-members, beginners are only charged $4. Anyone who is interested in coming along is encouraged to contact Penny by phone on 0407 611 773 or by email at
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