Meetings and events
Submitted by KatieH on Thu, 03/29/2012 - 16:01

This months selection of community meetings, events and seminars happening around South Australia:
- Willunga Environment Centre Inc. "Community, Sustainability & Environment Expo" Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October, 10am – 4pm both days, at Willunga High School and various other locations around Willunga community. Free entry. Come and learn about biodynamics in vineyards, organics in agriculture, sustainable agriculture, strawbale building, permaculture, solar and water innovations, recycling household water with reed beds, sustainable energy, organic gardening, composting, worm farming, water conservation/native gardens, indigenous gardens, community and kitchen gardens in schools, no-dig summer vegie gardens, edible backyard weeds, peak oil, transition towns, snake awareness, butter making, bush walks. Please contact Joy Forrest on 8556 4609 or The event is supported by the City of Onkaparinga as part of the council’s Environment Expo program.
- Health Workforce Australia forum: Building a viable Australian Health Workforce for our future. Transformation strategies for health system change. 18 October, 5.30pm for 6pm start. Adelaide Town Hall, 128 King William Street Adelaide. Register online at
- MarionLIFE 2011 Community Festival Saturday 22 October, 10am - 4pm Corner Marion Rd & Alawoona Ave, Mitchell Park
- Charitable Trusts and Foundation Funding Workshop, 24 October, 10am-1pm Half-day workshop provides an overview of Australian trusts and foundations and the environment in which they operate. Learn how to research potential funding sources, what to include in a submission, what to leave out, how to make your application easy to understand, and what makes foundations different to other funders! Visit for details.
- Philanthropy 101 Workshop, 24 October, 2-4pm This is a great opportunity for those new to the sector to understand where they fit in, to envisage their own organisation in the context of the wider sector, and to meet fellow philanthrocrats. Visit for details.
- Money Matters. 8 week course starting 4 November 9:30 - 12:30 pm. Call MarionLIFE on 8277 0304 to make a booking.
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