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RSL Victor Harbor Sub Branch
RSL Victor Harbor Sub Branch

Victor Harbor Roos Club, George Main Rd Victor Harbor, SA 5211

0417 834 579 Club and Hall Hire/Clubrooms

0474 302 988 SMS or leave a message
0417 834 579 President
0417 834 579 President

PO Box 170 Victor Harbor, SA 5211
President, Kent Johncock
Clubrooms (for members and potential members):
Weekly, Friday - 4pm, Roos Club, cnr George Main Rd & Bay Rd, Victor Harbor
Social and evening meals:
Monthly, Fri 4pm, meals from 6pm - 8pm, Roos Club
Serving and ex-service men and women and their dependents. Pre-bookings essential for evening meal.
Annual Membership Fees
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
Venue hire
Hall/Clubrooms available for hire
- Welfare and pensions support for ex-servicemen and their families
- Social and recreational activities
- Soldiers Memorial Gardens
- Commemoration activities - ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and other significant events
- Social and evening meals
- Bar
- Clubrooms
Last updated: 03/08/2022
Information provided for: Victor Harbor Council
This record was updated by: Jesslyn.
Information provided for: Victor Harbor Council
This record was updated by: Jesslyn.
Council: City of Victor Harbor
Electorate (State): Finniss
Electorate (Federal): Mayo