Anglican Parish of Plympton - Church of the Good Shepherd
Anglican Parish of Plympton - Church of the Good Shepherd

15 Clayton Ave Plympton, SA 5038

08 8293 5050 Office

0434 297 879 Vicar

PO Box 403 Plympton, SA 5038
Vicar, Rev Michael Lane
Holy Communion, Sun 8am, Wed 10am Sung Eucharist, Sun 10am
- Church services and pastoral care
- Craft group Tues at 10am
- Fellowship group
- Home communion
- Hall and meeting room for hire
Last updated: 22/10/2024
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: Lanxi.
Information provided for: West Torrens Council
This record was updated by: Lanxi.
Council: City of West Torrens
Electorate (State): Badcoe
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide

- 126Anglican
- 577Crafts
- 3 Basketry
- 3 Beading
- 3 Calligraphy
- 1 Copperwork
- 14 Crochet
- 1 Doll Making
- 3 Dyeing
- 20 Embroidery
- 1 Fabric Design & Painting
- 20 Flower Arranging
- 5 Folk Art
- 13 Gem Crafts
- 5 Glass Work
- 4 Gold & Silversmithing
- 5 Jewellery Making
- 1 Kites
- 31 Knitting
- 7 Lacemaking
- 2 Leatherwork
- 1 Macrame
- 12 Metal Work
- 6 Mosaics
- 10 Needlecraft
- 1 Paper Making
- 53 Patchwork, Quilting
- 1 Picture Framing
- 13 Pottery, Ceramics
- 3 Printmaking
- 7 Scrapbooking
- 26 Sewing
- 1 Silk Painting
- 2 Soft Toys & Furnishings
- 19 Spinning
- 3 Tapestry
- 3 Threadwork
- 1 Wearable Art
- 12 Weaving
- 2 Woodburning
- 6 Woodcraft
- 2226Religions & Philosophies