Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church
Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church

08 8772 8888 Mitcham Council

Hall Hire, John Slape
Email #3, Secretary Studies in Living 'With Love to the World'
Worship Service: Weekly, Sun 10am
Healing Service: Quarterly Sun 4.30pm for 5pm start
Evening Fellowship/social group: Monthly, 3rd Wed 7.30pm
Acme Fellowship: Monthly 2nd & 4th Wed 1.30pm
Playgroup: Weekly (school terms), Tues 10am - 11.30am
Day Camp (for Kindy and Primary School aged):
Annually Mon - Fri, contact Church for details
Colonel Light Companions (dinner):
Feb, May, Aug & Nov, 1st Fri 6.30pm
Fitness for the Over Fifties: Weekly, Thurs 9.15am & 10.30am
Friendship Centre: Weekly, Thurs 11am - 4pm
Friendship Group: Monthly, 2nd Sat
Seniors' Lunch: Monthly, 1st Tues, contact Mitcham Council
- For information regarding
- West Mitcham Primitive Methodist Cemetery
- 272 Belair Rd, Torrens Park, SA 5062
- Contact the administrator Mrs J Triggs tel. 8179 5714
- Email
Area - 128 square metres
Features - Entry via large air-conditioned foyer, access to covered outdoor paved area, playground and lawn
Possible facilities - Multi-media facilites might be available by negotiation
Area - 138 square metres
Features - Entry via main foyer entrance, space can be combined with adjacent Meeting Room via folding doors, kitchen servery and access to kitchen, access to family/disabled toilet, access to playground and climbing castle
Other features - street access
Meeting Room:
Area - 45 square metres
Features - Entry via large foyer, kitchen servery, bi-fold doors to adjacent hall
Features - Spacious fully equipped kitchen available for serving, light refreshment or full meal prepartion
Possible facilities - Catering service via negotiation
- Uniting Church
- Worship Service
- Healing Service
- Fellowship groups - Evening Fellowship (social group) and Acme Fellowship
- Youth & Young Adults
- Community Outreach
- Bible Study
- Alpha - learning about faith
- Playgroup
- Day Camp
- Community Outreach
- Studies in Living
Information provided for: Mitcham Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.