Zion Lutheran Preschool
Zion Lutheran Preschool

24 Cowan St Gawler, SA 5118

08 8522 4187
Kindergarten: Mon - Thurs 8.15am - 2.45pm
Fri 10.30am - 2.45pm
Playgroup: Fri 8.45am - 10.15am
Fri 10.30am - 2.45pm
Playgroup: Fri 8.45am - 10.15am
Director, Samantha Harding
Children 0-5 years
The preschool provides opportunities for children to learn, grow and develop in a stimulating, creative and challenging Christian environment. The preschool welcomes and encourages, parent participation and community involvement.
- Preschool education
- Playgroup
- Pre-entry
Last updated: 07/02/2023
Information provided for: Gawler Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Gawler Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: Town of Gawler
Electorate (State): Light
Electorate (Federal): Spence