Al-Anon Family Groups SA Inc.
Al-Anon Family Groups SA Inc.
Supports families & friends of alcoholics

Stafford House, 2nd Floor, 25 Leigh St Adelaide, SA 5000

08 8231 2959
1300 252 666 Helpline
1300 252 666 Helpline

0404 529 411 Alateen meetings, Cara
0429 097 959 SA Lone Members Coordinator
0429 097 959 SA Lone Members Coordinator

Al-Anon Family Groups SA Area Inc., 25 Leigh St Adelaide, SA 5000
Mon, Wed - Fri: 10am - 2.45pm
Mon 12 noon, Thurs 12 noon, Fri 10.30am, Stafford House, 2nd Floor, 25 Leigh St, Adelaide
Full list of meeting locations and times
Alateen (Al-Anon meetings for younger people)
Weekly, Tues 7.30pm - 8.50pm, Kilburn Community Centre, 59 Gladstone Ave, Kilburn
Note: Online Meetings available, contact Cara on 0404 529 411
Al-Anon: Relatives or friends of people with alcohol problems
Alateen: Teenagers affected by someone's drinking
Alateen: Teenagers affected by someone's drinking
No fees
An anonymous fellowship. Small groups meet most days and nights of the week in various suburbs and country areas. Details are available from head office and the website.
- Support group for families and friends of people with alcohol problems
Last updated: 28/02/2025
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Samantha A.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide