Magistrates Court of SA
Magistrates Court of SA

260-280 Victoria Sq Adelaide, SA 5000

08 8204 2444

08 8204 0670 Civil
08 8204 0481 Criminal
08 8204 0481 Criminal

PO Box 6115, Halifax St Adelaide, SA 5000
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5.30pm
For some searches and lodging some documents
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets
Branch address:
- Christies Beach - 96 Dyson Rd, Christies Beach 5165
- Elizabeth - 15 Frobisher Rd, Elizabeth 5112
- Port Adelaide - 260 St Vincent St, Port Adelaide 5015
- Berri - 4 Kay Ave, Berri 5343
- Tel. 8595 2060
- Mount Gambier - 41 Bay Rd, Mount Gambier 5290
- Tel. 8735 1060
- Murray Bridge - 7 Bridge St, Murray Bridge 5253
- Tel. 8535 6060
- Port Augusta - 4 Flinders Tce, Port Augusta 5700
- Tel. 8648 5120
- Port Lincoln - 1 Liverpool St, Port Lincoln 5606
- Tel. 8688 3060
- Port Pirie - 20 Main Rd, Port Pirie 5540
- Tel. 8638 4901
- Whyalla - 1 Whitehead St, Whyalla 5600
- Tel. 8648 8120
The Magistrates Court has a criminal and civil jurisdiction. In its criminal jurisdiction, the Magistrates Court deals with summary offences, which may be dealt with by a fine, imprisonment of up to two years, community service or a good behaviour bond. In its civil jurisdiction, it hears minor civil actions and general claims up to $100,000.
- Dispensation of justice and resolution of disputes
- Collection and enforcement of all monetary orders of the Courts including fines, costs, levies, fees, orders for compensation and breach of bail/bond orders, overdue expiation fees
- Pre-lodgement system of debt collection allows for individuals or organisations to issue a final notice of claim prior to issuing a formal claim
- Mediation services - for resolution of disputes or claims to avoid going to court
- Aboriginal Court Day (Nunga Court) for Aboriginal people who plead guilty to an offence - at Ceduna, Murray Bridge, Port Adelaide and Port Augusta
- Court Diversion Program - for people who have committed certain offences and who have impaired intellectual or mental functioning as a result of mental illness; intellectual disability; personality disorder; acquired brain injury or neurological disorder including dementia
- Domestic Violence Court - deals with family violence matters including criminal matters and restraining orders
- Drug Court - combines intensive judicial supervision, mandatory drug testing, escalating sanctions, and treatment and support services to help drug-abuse offenders break the cycle of drug abuse and crime
- Court Assessment and Referral Drug Scheme - provides an opportunity for defendants who use drugs to receive access to drug treatment as part of the court process
- Duty solicitor service - provided most days at the major Magistrates courts by the Legal Services Commission of SA
- Justice of the Peace - witnessing the signing of legal documents
- Videoconference facilities - provide access to court services for people in regional, rural and remote locations
Last updated: 22/04/2024
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide