Flinders University, Adelaide - Australia
Flinders University, Adelaide - Australia
Fees apply for tertiary education. HECS-Higher Education Loan Program (HECS-HELP) is available for eligible Commonwealth supported students. Fee Higher Education Loan Program (FEE-HELP) is available for eligible fee paying students
Branch address:
- Adelaide - 182 Victoria Square (old Reserve Bank Bldg), Adelaide 5000
- Clovelly Park - 1284 South Rd, Clovelly Park 5042
- Noarlunga Centre - Hannah Rd, Noarlunga Centre 5168 (Southern Knowledge Transfer Partners)
The university offers a range of degree, postgraduate diploma and higher degree courses. Some courses are also offered in external mode. Flinders Foundation Studies Program is a preparation program for undergraduate degrees at Flinders that enables people from all walks of life to begin university studies
- Education - tertiary level
- Accommodation service - assists students to find off-campus accommodation
- Careers and Employer Liaison Centre - assists students to find employment after completing their studies
- Child care - [BAD LINK] and [BAD LINK]
- Health, counselling and disability services for enrolled students
- Emloyment service - helps students find casual and part time work
- Student Learning Centre - study skills and language support
- Yunggorendi First Nations Centre for Higher Education & Research - support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students including admission, orientation, study skills, computer skills, academic support and advice
Last updated: 22/05/2024
Information provided for: Mitcham Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Mitcham Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Mitcham
Electorate (State): Davenport
Electorate (Federal): Boothby
- 138Aboriginal People
- 3339Education
- 175 Adult Education
- 10 Development Education
- 4 Distance Education
- 19 Education (Interest Groups)
- 4 Education Issues
- 13 Education Resource Centres
- 29 Financial Assistance (Education)
- 1 Home Schooling
- 447 Living Skills
- 104 Migrant Education
- 7 Overseas Study
- 114 Remedial Education
- 19 School Libraries
- 6 School Sport
- 2107 Schools
- 21 Student Advisory Services
- 5 Teachers
- 43 Tertiary Education
- 16 Tutoring
- 76 Vocational Education & Training
- 43Tertiary Education
- 14Universities