Clubhouse SA Inc.
Clubhouse SA Inc.

Diamond House, 307 Commercial Rd Port Adelaide, SA 5015

08 8244 5525

08 8244 5585
Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm
Some recreational activities after hours
Some recreational activities after hours
People over 16 years with a history of mental illness
Aims to assist people with mental illness to participate in work related activities by providing training in a range of vocational services. Members participate in the operation of the Clubhouse.
- Job support in open employment and referral to the disability network
- Job training - office and computer skills; food preparation, budgeting and catering; gardening and home maintenance
- Personal support - including living skills training
- Recreation - including social activities, choir, outings, sport programs
Last updated: 29/08/2023
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Port Adelaide Enfield Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Port Adelaide Enfield
Electorate (State): Port Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Hindmarsh
- 79Job Search Training
- 144Job Training
- 55Mentally Ill
- 2195Recreation Activities
- 218 After School Activities
- 17 Air Training Groups
- 35 Cadets
- 152 Community Centres
- 53 Community Shed Programs
- 70 Day Options
- 25 Drop-In Centres
- 50 Guiding
- 34 Licensed Clubs
- 33 Lodges (Societies)
- 10 Marching
- 6 Schools For Seniors
- 100 Scouting
- 146 Senior Citizens Clubs
- 853 Social & Activity Groups
- 40 Youth Clubs