Asbestos Victims Association SA (AVA)
Asbestos Victims Association SA (AVA)
Level 9, 60 Waymouth St Adelaide, SA 5000
08 8212 6008
1800 665 395 Country callers
1800 665 395 Country callers
0455 120 588
Level 9 / 60 Waymouth Street ADELAIDE, SA 5000
People with an asbestos related disease, their family and friends
Branch address:
- Whyalla Support Group
- 87 Essington Lewis Ave, Whyalla
- Tel. 08 8645 0555, 08 8645 3322 (ah), 0416 482 673
The Asbestos Victims Association of South Australia (AVA) is a not for profit organisation providing support for people living with an asbestos disease, along with family members, carers and friends. This service is offered free of charge.
- Information about asbestos and asbestos related diseases
- Information regarding medical and legal advice
- Support groups in city and regional areas including social mornings
Last updated: 16/12/2024
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Brendan.
Information provided for: Adelaide City Council
This record was updated by: Brendan.
Council: City of Adelaide
Electorate (State): Adelaide
Electorate (Federal): Adelaide