Children's Contact Service - Berri
Children's Contact Service - Berri
Helping parents and children stay connected after separation

9 Kay Ave, Berri, SA 5343

08 8582 4122 Relationships Australia - Berri
1300 364 277
1300 364 277

08 8330 3999
Parent Body:
Mon, Thurs, Fri 9am - 5pm
Tues 9am - 6pm
Wed 9am - 7pm
Tues 9am - 6pm
Wed 9am - 7pm
Apply for various services, concession available
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
Branch address:
- Service also offered at following outreach locations:
- 1. Barmera SA 5345
- 2. Lameroo SA 5302
- 3. Loxton SA 5333
- 4. Pinnaroo SA 5304
- 5. Renmark SA 5341
- 6. Waikerie SA 5330
- Phone office for details
- Changeover service - children and young people are calmly moved between their separated parents or other family members by our workers
- Supervised contact visits - children and parent or family member spend time with each other at a Relationships Australia centre under the supervision of a worker
- Interactive playgroup - following supervised contact, children and parents can be offered to join an interactive playgroup of 0-5 years or 5-9 years
- Support for families who wish to move towards independent contact arrangements
Last updated: 16/06/2024
Information provided for: Berri Barmera Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Berri Barmera Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: Berri Barmera Council
Electorate (State): Chaffey
Electorate (Federal): Barker
- 853Children
- 2871Children's Services
- 1931 Child Care
- 126 Child Care Services
- 153 Child Minding
- 39 Child Protection
- 426 Playgroups
- 45 Toy Libraries
- 27Childrens Contact Services
- 285Family Support
- 9420Personal & Family Support
- 1473 Alternate Care
- 2871 Children's Services
- 142 Community Care
- 1024 Counselling
- 285 Family Support
- 665 Home Care & Support
- 843 Human Relationships
- 515 Personal Development
- 184 Rehabilitation
- 659 Retirement
- 507 Support & Resource Groups
- 26 Tracing Services
- 426Playgroups
- 258Support