Floral Art Club of Mount Barker
Floral Art Club of Mount Barker

CWA Clubrooms, 8 Mann St Mount Barker, SA 5251

08 8388 4187 President
08 8391 1586 Vice President
08 8391 1586 Vice President

0414 777 649 Secretary
Parent Body:
President, Jean Page
Vice President, Joylene Liebelt
Secretary, Yvonne Adam
Vice President, Joylene Liebelt
Secretary, Yvonne Adam
Monthly, 3rd Thurs 1.30pm - 3.30pm
except December and January
except December and January
The club welcomes visitors and new members. Enquiries welcome - please call Joylene Liebelt on 8391 1586 or Yvonne Adams on 0414 777 649.
The Floral Art Club of Mount Barker, formed in 1961 celebrates its 60th birthday in 2021. Among its many activities the club sponsors the floral art display at Mount Barker Show.
- Floral art and flower arranging - workshops and demonstrations
Last updated: 03/03/2024
Information provided for: Mount Barker District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Mount Barker District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: Mount Barker District Council
Electorate (State): Kavel
Electorate (Federal): Mayo