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RSL Mount Barker Sub Branch (RSL)
RSL Mount Barker Sub Branch (RSL)
To care for the health and wellbeing of the Service and Ex-Service community

23 Hutchinson St Mount Barker, SA 5251

08 8391 4845
Coffee and chat weekly, Wed 10am -12pm
Club open weekly, Fri 3.30pm
Happy Hour weekly, Fri 5pm - 6pm
Dinner weekly, Fri 6pm - 8pm, bookings taken
BBQ monthly, 2nd Sat 8am - 2pm
New members and visitors always welcome.
- Welfare support for ex-servicemen and their families
- Pension advice
- Social and recreational activities
- Commemoration activities - ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day
- BBQ luncheons, 2nd Thurs each month 12pm
- Friday night social and dinner last Friday of month
- Drop in Wed 10am - 12 noon
- Hall, kitchen and catering
- Room hire
- Badge selling for ANZAC and Remembrance days, volunteers always welcome
Last updated: 24/03/2024
Information provided for: Mount Barker District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Mount Barker District Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: Mount Barker District Council
Electorate (State): Kavel
Electorate (Federal): Mayo