Happy Valley BMX Club Inc.
Happy Valley BMX Club Inc.

Happy Valley Sporting Complex, Taylors Rd West Aberfoyle Park, SA 5159

08 8270 4996 Club - Tues & Fri

PO Box 11 Happy Valley, SA 5159
Parent Body:
President, Cindy Tuffin
Mondays -
Intermediate coaching sessions 6pm - 7pm
Open gates 7pm - 8.15pm
Tuesdays -
Beginner/new members coaching session 6pm - 7pm
Open gates 7pm - 8.15pm
Fridays -
Racing - Noms 7.30-pm - 7.30pm
Racing from 7.45pm
4 years and over. Riders that do not want to participate in training and take coaching instructions are not permitted on track during coaching times.
- BMX racing - need bike and protective clothing
- Loan bike available to try out
Last updated: 11/09/2024
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Rex.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Davenport
Electorate (Federal): Kingston