Port Augusta Substance Misuse Services
Port Augusta Substance Misuse Services

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, closed Good Friday and Christmas Day
The Port Augusta Substance Misuse Service is a strictly confidential 7 days a week 24 hour service designed to meet the community's needs. It aims to minimise the adverse harm to health, and the social and economic consequences resulting from excessive alcohol and other drug use to individuals and the general community, whilst striving for best practice in a culturally sensitive manner.
If you or someone you know and care about needs help with alcohol or other drug issues, you can also find help from these other organizations:
-- www.knowyouroptions.sa.gov.au contains information about available treatment options and a comprehensive service directory.
-- The Alcohol and Drug Information Service 1300 131 340 (South Australian callers only - local call fee).
-- The Family Drug Support Helpline 1300 368 186 - a 24/7 support line for people affected by a family member's substance use
- Community Harmony Programs
- Mobile Assistance Patrol
- Sobering Up Unit
- Clean Needle Program
- Exceptional Needs Program
- Assertive Outreach Program
Information provided for: Port Augusta City Council (Library)
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.