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Catholic Church - Aldinga
Catholic Church - Aldinga

Mary of Galilee Catholic Church Quinliven Rd Aldinga, SA 5173

08 8556 2132 Parish office
08 8557 9018 Community room
08 8557 9018 Community room

0488 287 552 Sister Margaret

PO Box 14 Willunga, SA 5172
Parent Body:
Willunga Catholic Parish
Parish Office: Fri 9am - 11am
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
Venue hire
Community Room - available for hire for small groups, seats 30, some tables and chairs, tea making facilities, air conditioned, carpeted, whiteboard and lecturn, patio.
Cnr Quinliven & How Rd
- Mass Sat 5.30pm
- Galilee Playgroup Mon 9.30 am at the primary school, 8557 9218
- Galilee Op shop at the primary school, second hand goods, clothes, household items, toys, books, new and second hand school uniforms, Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri 9am - 3pm during school term, 0400 845 062, 0451 830 929
- St Vincent de Paul services - material assistance, including food, clothing and household items, Tues, Wed, Fri 10.30am - 1pm. Budget counselling Thurs and Children’s Social Equity assistance, by appointment 1300 729 202
- This venue is available for hire
Last updated: 04/07/2023
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Information provided for: Onkaparinga Council (City of Onkaparinga)
This record was updated by: SAcommunity Support Team.
Council: City of Onkaparinga
Electorate (State): Mawson
Electorate (Federal): Mayo

- 11Budget Advice
- 199Catholic
- 1738Churches, Religions
- 126 Anglican
- 54 Australian Christian Churches
- 17 Baha'i
- 72 Baptist
- 1 Brethren
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- 199 Catholic
- 12 Christadelphians
- 1 Christian Science
- 47 Churches of Christ
- 1 Hare Krishna
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- 3 Judaism
- 9 Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
- 124 Lutheran
- 51 Non-Denominational Churches & Religions
- 29 Orthodox Churches
- 43 Pentecostal
- 15 Presbyterian & Reformed
- 73 Salvation Army
- 39 Seventh Day Adventist
- 4 Sikh
- 6 Spiritualist
- 1 Unitarian
- 168 Uniting Church
- 118Clothing
- 39Clothing Assistance
- 109Food Assistance
- 797Halls For Hire
- 292Opportunity Shops
- 426Playgroups
- 163Secondhand Goods