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South Sudanese Equatorians Community Association of South Australia (SSECASA)
South Sudanese Equatorians Community Association of South Australia (SSECASA)
Creating a strong South Sudanese Equatorians community providing a chance to learn, belong, and grow

43 Peachey Rd, Davoren Park, SA 5113

PO Box 4001 Elizabeth South, SA 5112
Three membership options:
1. Ordinary - Any member of the Equatorian Communities eligible provided that he/she is age 18 or over. Equatorians aged 17 or under automatically members. Female married to Equatorian eligible too.
2. Associate - Male married to Equatorian eligible.
3. Honorary - Eligibility for non-Equatorian who subscribes to and believes in the principles and objectives of the association and have demonstrated support for its cause
1. Ordinary - Any member of the Equatorian Communities eligible provided that he/she is age 18 or over. Equatorians aged 17 or under automatically members. Female married to Equatorian eligible too.
2. Associate - Male married to Equatorian eligible.
3. Honorary - Eligibility for non-Equatorian who subscribes to and believes in the principles and objectives of the association and have demonstrated support for its cause
Non-refundable prescribed membership fee applies as well as non-refundable annual subscription fee.
SSECASA represents the values and interest of eight different ethnic communities who come from the Equatoria region of South Sudan. Equatoria region is one of the three main regions that constituted the sovereignty of South Sudan. Equatoria region is comprised of three administrative States of Western Equatoria, Central Equatoria and Eastern Equatoria. The inhabitants of this region collectively call themselves and are referred to by others as “Equatorians”.
- Plan and implement cultural activities and mobilise social and financial capital to support members in need.
- Help build the capacity an confidence of Equatorian women by developing people and employability skills.
- Promote healthy eating and lifestyles. Community program called Healthy Eating Healthy Families is in place to encourage people to grown their own vegetables.
- Conduct resumes writing and mock job interviews.
- Offer our members strategic and meaningful referrals to other agencies.
- Provide real assistance with settlement issues such as housing and transportation, communication, and managing intergenerational differences/conflicts.
- Tailoring training program that provides skills and knowledge to participants on how to make various garments.
- Op Shop to generate income and make association financially sustainable
Last updated: 24/03/2025
Information provided for: Playford Council (City of Playford)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Information provided for: Playford Council (City of Playford)
This record was updated by: Volunteer Mal.
Council: City of Playford
Electorate (State): Taylor
Electorate (Federal): Spence
- 209Community Development Services
- 3Community Education
- 483Community Events
- 3 Anniversaries
- 7 Art Competitions
- 6 Awareness Weeks
- 5 Circuses
- 34 Community Markets
- 38 Exhibitions
- 28 Fairs
- 60 Festivals
- 2 Gymkhanas
- 91 Markets
- 4 Public Holidays
- 1 Rodeos
- 85 School Holidays
- 41 Shows
- 1576Community Groups & Services
- 41Community Housing
- 61Community Information Services
- 6003Community Organisation & Development
- 59Community Projects
- 114Multicultural Community Groups
- 437Multicultural Groups & Services
- 30Multicultural Issues
- 3Sudanese