Driver Reviver SA - Orroroo
Driver Reviver SA - Orroroo

Orroroo CFS Cnr Jamestown Rd and R M Williams Way Orroroo, SA 5431

PO Box 296 Newport Beach, New South Wales 2106
Parent Body:
Driver Reviver
Mr Allan McCormac
Volunteer supported Driver Reviver site operates in holiday season
(CFS, Jamestown Road, RM Williams Way)
- Road safety initiative to encourage drivers to take a rest
- Volunteer run community program
- Offer tea, coffee, biscuit, chat to motorists/drivers
Last updated: 28/08/2024
Information provided for: Orroroo Carieton (District Council of Orroroo Carieton)
This record was updated by: Chun Kwan.
Information provided for: Orroroo Carieton (District Council of Orroroo Carieton)
This record was updated by: Chun Kwan.
Council: Orroroo Carrieton
Electorate (State): Frome
Electorate (Federal): Grey