Yorketown Sporting Club
Yorketown Sporting Club

Memorial Dr Yorketown, SA 5576

08 8852 1603

0408 307 569

C/- Post Office Yorketown, SA 5576
Wheelchair access, Accessible parking
- To provide sporting facilities and administration for the Yorketown Tennis, Netball & Basketblall Clubs. We also host fortnightly games for the SYP Netball Association alternate Friday nights from May until September. The Southern Eagles Netball Club also uses our courts and facilities during Footy season.
Last updated: 13/11/2024
Information provided for: Yorke Peninsula Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Yorke Peninsula Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: Yorke Peninsula Council

- 6008Community Organisation & Development
- 15072Recreation
- 2454 Arts
- 483 Community Events
- 408 Fitness
- 1977 Hobbies, Interests
- 372 Holidays
- 2198 Recreation Activities
- 1938 Recreation Facilities
- 5084 Sport
- 92Sports Facilities