Modbury Kindergarten
Modbury Kindergarten
Public Kindergarten, Occasional Care and Playgroup

32 Jaycee St Modbury North, SA 5092

08 8264 5933

08 8395 3594
Parent Body:
Department for Education
Session times;
Mon-Thurs either 2 days 8.15 - 3.45 or 2 days 1 week and 3 days the next week 9-3.
Open to provision of sessions in accordance with family needs.
Playgroup Fri 9.30-11.15
Occasional Care - provided when capacity allows.
Early-entry- 6 hours per week term 4 when capacity allows
Transition - 4 weeks term 4, 2 hour sessions on Fridays
Mon-Thurs either 2 days 8.15 - 3.45 or 2 days 1 week and 3 days the next week 9-3.
Open to provision of sessions in accordance with family needs.
Playgroup Fri 9.30-11.15
Occasional Care - provided when capacity allows.
Early-entry- 6 hours per week term 4 when capacity allows
Transition - 4 weeks term 4, 2 hour sessions on Fridays
Principal, Ms Nicole Otto
Sessional Kindergarten - for all four year olds. Occasional Care - for three year olds.
Fees apply
Wheelchair access, Accessible toilets, Accessible parking
Provides a variety of services depending on age and child's needs.
- Sessional Kindergarten
- Pre-Entry Sessions
- Playgroup
- Occasional Care
Last updated: 29/05/2024
Information provided for: Tea Tree Gully Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Information provided for: Tea Tree Gully Council
This record was updated by: Volunteer Alexander B.
Council: City of Tea Tree Gully
Electorate (State): Newland
Electorate (Federal): Makin