Browse the directory using the A-Z index of services - select the service that you want, then the organisations that provide the service will be displayed
- Ardlair School of Dancing
- Australian Traditional & Bush Dance Society
- Border Celts
- Bydand Scottish Country Dancers
- Cabarfeidh School of Dancing
- Celtic Music Club of SA Inc
- Garrick-Stewart School of Highland Dancing
- Garrick-Stewart School of Highland Dancing - Exeter
- Garrick-Stewart School of Highland Dancing - Glen Osmond
- Garrick-Stewart School of Highland Dancing - Golden Grove
- Garrick-Stewart School of Highland Dancing - Parafield Gardens
- Garrick-Stewart School of Highland Dancing - Reynella
- Garrick-Stewart School of Highland Dancing - Torrens Park
- Gilles Plains Scottish Country Dance Group
- Mount Barker Caledonian Society
- Royal Scottish Country Dance Society - Adelaide and Districts Branch
- Scott's Highland Dancing
- Victor Harbor & District Senior Citizens Club Inc.
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