Browse the directory using the A-Z index of services - select the service that you want, then the organisations that provide the service will be displayed
- SIDS (1)
- Safety of Products (1)
- Safety (1)
- Sailing (43)
- Salvation Army (73)
- Schizophrenia (1)
- Scholarships (13)
- School Community Organisations (4)
- School Councils (4)
- School Counselling (8)
- School Holiday Activities (78)
- School Holidays (7)
- School Libraries (19)
- School Parent Liaison Services (1)
- School Parents & Friends Groups (2)
- School Sport (6)
- Schools For Seniors (6)
- Schools, Primary (Government) (425)
- Schools, Primary (Non-Government) (180)
- Schools, Secondary (Government) (135)
- Schools, Secondary (Non-Government) (102)
- Schools (411)
- Science Fiction Clubs (2)
- Science (9)
- Scleroderma (1)
- Scottish Dancing (18)
- Scottish (9)
- Scouting (100)
- Scrabble (15)
- Scrapbooking (7)
- Scuba Diving (8)
- Sculpture (6)
- Seamen (1)
- Secondary Education (83)
- Secondhand Books (98)
- Secondhand Goods (164)
- Security of Property (10)
- Self Defence (30)
- Self-funded Units (33)
- Seminars (1)
- Senior Citizens Clubs (143)
- Senior Citizens Organisations (43)
- Seniors Clubs (43)
- Seniors (172)
- Sensory Disability (27)
- Sensory Disabled (17)
- Separation (Family Law) (29)
- Serbian Orthodox (29)
- Serbian (8)
- Service Clubs (270)
- Service Pension (1)
- Serviced Apartments (7)
- Settlement Assistance (27)
- Seventh Day Adventist (39)
- Sewerage & Sanitation (1)
- Sewing (23)
- Sex & Sexuality Education (17)
- Sex Counselling & Therapy (26)
- Sexual Abuse (56)
- Sexual Assault Assistance (39)
- Sexual Assault Counselling (47)
- Sexual Assault Victims (42)
- Sexual Assault (42)
- Sexual Harassment (27)
- Sexual Health (26)
- Sexuality (12)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (16)
- Share Accommodation (2)
- Shed Programs (53)
- Sheltered Workshops (54)
- Shelters (7)
- Shifting (2)
- Shooting (72)
- Shopping Services (19)
- Showers (Public Use) (13)
- Showgrounds (6)
- Shows (41)
- Sign Language (1)
- Sikh (4)
- Silk Painting (1)
- Singing (74)
- Single People (3)
- Skate Boarding (10)
- Skating Rinks (3)
- Sketching (3)
- Skiing (1)
- Skin Diseases (2)
- Sleep Disorders (3)
- Slot Car Racing (1)
- Slovak (2)
- Slovenian (1)
- Smoking (4)
- Snakes (9)
- Snooker (18)
- Soccer (143)
- Social & Activity Groups (854)
- Social Action (8)
- Social Skills (16)
- Social Workers (35)
- Soft Toys & Furnishings (2)
- Softball (38)
- Soil Conservation (14)
- Solar Energy (1)
- Sole Parents (2)
- Solicitors (3)
- Solvent Abuse (3)
- Somali (1)
- Spanish (13)
- Spasticity (27)
- Special Education (29)
- Special Libraries (1)
- Special Needs Transport (13)
- Special Schools (16)
- Specific Learning Difficulties (14)
- Spectacles (1)
- Speech Disorders (3)
- Speech Pathology (61)
- Speech Training (16)
- Spider Bite Injury (1)
- Spinning (19)
- Spiritualist (6)
- Sport (912)
- Sports Clubs & Centres (151)
- Sports Facilities (92)
- Sports Medicine (4)
- Sportsgrounds (75)
- Square Dancing (8)
- Squash Courts (8)
- Squash (24)
- Stagecraft (10)
- Stained Glass (4)
- Stamp Collecting (19)
- State Government Information (23)
- State Government (31)
- Statistics (1)
- Statutory Authorities (3)
- Statutory Declaration (7)
- Steam Trains (3)
- Sterilisation (Female) (2)
- Sterilisation (Male) (2)
- Sterility (2)
- Stillbirth & Neonatal Death (2)
- Stomal Therapy Nursing Services (7)
- Storm Damage Relief (1)
- Storm Damage (55)
- Storytelling (77)
- Strata Titles (1)
- Stray Animals (36)
- Street Stalls (1)
- Stress Management (36)
- Stroke (4)
- Student Accommodation (3)
- Student Advisory Services (1)
- Student Exchange Programs (6)
- Student Housing (3)
- Students (17)
- Study & Teaching (1)
- Stuttering (3)
- Submission Writing (2)
- Substance Abuse (32)
- Sudanese (3)
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (1)
- Suicide (30)
- Superannuation (4)
- Support & Resource Groups (507)
- Support (258)
- Supported Accommodation (57)
- Supported Employment (54)
- Supported Residential Facilities (32)
- Surf Lifesaving Services (22)
- Surfing (15)
- Surgical Procedures (3)
- Swimming Pools (Indoor) (29)
- Swimming Pools (79)
- Swimming (111)
- Swiss (1)
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