My Volunteer Experience - Pujan Maharjan

Pujan Maharjan joined our SAcommunity Data Analytics Team as a volunteer. He started with the team on the 26 July 2023 and attends for ~4 hours a week onsite at the Connecting Up Office.
We are very happy to announce that Pujan will be working as a Developer .NET/SQL in the ICT Services division at TAFE SA from January 2025, Congratulations Pujan!
'I am very very happy...In my first week I have a task configuring Google Analytics, so the experience of Google Analytics at SAcommunity was helpful... Thank you so much'
Total Hours 163 This Year 105 Joined 26 July 2023 Last Check-in 10 December 2024 (retired)

In the future, Pujan looks forward to work in Adelaide as a Software Engineer. He is interested in building on his master's studies, further exploring the capabilities of artificial intelligence as one of the most disruptive technologies across the industry sector, and how it 'changes the way we work'. In particular, his focus is on the benefit for business, recognising the importance of AI in impacting efficiencies and pushing the boundaries of best practice, through handling repetitive tasks so that employees can concentrate on creative solutions, complex problem-solving, and impactful work.

Image: Yi Han, Pujan and Stathis Avramis
Python coding
Currently Pujan has been working on Python coding to improve the efficiency of data retrieval from Google Analytics and cleaning for the SAcommunity program, reducing some of the manual processes. He has also set up a GitHub account for the Team. GitHub is a platform and cloud-based service for software development and version control using Git, allowing some of the SAcommunity Team members to store and manage the codes used to present reports on community services in South Australia.
Pujan was actively involved in automating data retrieval from google analytics. He worked collaboratively with other team members and assisted them to resolve some technical issues. He worked on automation of data integrity. He developed a scraping system to find the council name from more than 14,000 records in SAcommunity database. This analysis helped find the invalid addresses and invalid council names.

Organisation-wide news, events and projects are communicated through the staff channels, with weekly CEO Updates from David Spriggs. Informal 'Lunch and Learn' educational sessions, and network meetings create connections with staff. Whilst peer-to-peer training or capacity building and telephone techniques training allow for networking with other volunteers.
Interns are also given opportunities to attend stakeholder and partner events as they arise.
Relevant meetings and training sessions Pujan has attended include:

Training - Telephone Techniques
All Volunteers and Interns undertake Telephone Techniques Training led by Volunteer David Webb. The team are providing with a scripted template covering the processes used to greet and introduce yourself to a client or stakeholder, word choices to use, your tone of voice, call to action and call closure. Strong communication skills are highly valued in any workplace or industry, and the Data Analytics Team members use this to check, update and improve the records in their dataset by contacting community service organisations, and to introduce their data reports to council stakeholders.

Image: 'Keys to the digital world' - references on the SACOSS Website and LGA Website
Building Connections and Networks
SAcommunity Team members are also encouraged to participate in partner and stakeholder activities, events and meetings as they arise to understand more about the wider organisation's projects and the work they are involved in and support.
Pas Forgione, Digital Inclusion Project Officer for the South Australian Council of Social Services (SACOSS) invited Connecting Up staff and volunteers to attend the 'Keys to the Digital World' reference group meetings to build digital inclusion, in lieu of Connecting Up's capacity as a charity providing low-cost tech products and training to other not-for-profits.
Volunteer Pujan took up the opportunity for the third meeting held 27 July 2023 and attended online along with community stakeholders including, public library services (PLS), local councils and community centre staff members who met to hear and discuss the results of Pas's regional consultations, interviews and draft report, listening and providing feedback on the commentary, themes and recommendations. Pujan then presented a short summary at the SAcommunity Team meeting to keep other volunteers informed ahead of the next session, explaining how the digital literacy issues raised were universal with similar challenges experienced in Nepal.

GovHack is an annual Open Data competition held this year on the 18-20 August 2023 across Australia and New Zealand. SAcommunity has attended and supported the event for several years providing the SAcommunity open data set for competitors, promotion and data mentors and a few of our volunteers have also participated in the hackathon.
The GovHack Connections event held on the 9 August 2023 is an information night to find out more about the competition, create teams and understand what takes place of the weekend and we invited members of the Data Analytics Team to attend and meet their peers and other industry professionals interested in the innovative re-use of data (photo above).
State of the NFP Sector: Infoxchange’s 2023 Digital Technology Report Launch 1 December 2023
Pujan also attended the Launch of the 2023 Digital Technology in the Not-For-Profit Sector Report. This was a discussion of the report findings from a survey of more than 1,000 not-for-profit organisations across Australia and New Zealand. Contributors who have helped build the most detailed view of the state of digital technology in the not-for-profit sector, providing opportunities to strengthen this across fields including multifactor authentication and cyber security improvement, decision-making with data and with a digital tranformation strategy.
The Data Catalyst Network (DCN) is made up of close to 50 organisations working with data from the not-for-profit community sector. The Data Catalyst Network brings together people from across sectors, to break cycles of disadvantage through the innovative use of data. DCN is a partnership between Infoxchange and the Paul Ramsay Foundation. Volunteers and Interns have the opportunity to attend these stakeholder meetings.
Pujan attended the following:
DCN Meetup - Using linked data to support transitions to school - 30 October 2024
The Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance (ADIA) is a shared initiative with over 500 business, government, academic and community organisations working together to accelerate action on digital inclusion. ADIA is supported by Infoxchange, Google, Telstra and TasNetworks. Volunteers and Interns have the opportunity to attend these stakeholder meetings.
Pujan attended the following:
ADIA Meetup - Economic Benefits of Overcoming Digital Exclusion: A deep dive into Good Things Australia’s latest report 31 October 2024
Image: 2024 Digital Technology in NFP report
Pujan utilised his software engineering skills to improve data processes and community reports. He has automated tasks like Google Analytics data retrieval, error detection in databses and web scraping. In addition, he contributed in CI/CD pipelines using Terraform, Kubernetes, Haschicorp Cloud Platform and Github Actions. He actively partcipates in professional events and trainings, emphasizing AI and data's role in enhancing efficiency and decision-making.
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