City of Burnside

October Community Events 2024

Image: Canola Field, Callington, SA 5254 Captured by Volunteer Navodani Thennakoon

28 September - 13 October 2024
What: Nature Festival - AWE
Who: Nature Festival
When: Saturday 28 - Sunday 13 Octoberr 2024, 10am-11pm
Where: Throughout South Australia
Cost: Varied

My Volunteer Experience - Pujan Maharjan

Welcome Pujan!
Pujan Maharjan joined our SAcommunity Data Analytics Team as a volunteer. He started with the team on the 26 July 2023 and attends for ~4 hours a week onsite at the Connecting Up Office.

We are very happy to announce that Pujan will be working as a Developer .NET/SQL in the ICT Services division at TAFE SA from January 2025, Congratulations Pujan!

'I am very very happy...In my first week I have a task configuring Google Analytics, so the experience of Google Analytics at SAcommunity was helpful... Thank you so much'  

Second-Wind Ensemble "The Great Detectives" 13 May 2023

Image: Courtesy of Second-Wind Ensemble


Second-Wind Ensemble - good company and good music together

Photo: courtesy of Second-Wind Ensemble


SAcommumunity has recently been in contact with Second-Wind Ensemble to update their details and learnt a bit more about this musical ensemble of like minded musicians with a passion for performing.


Arnold (trombonist and committee member responsible for all things digital and marketing) gave us an insight into his life with Second-Wind Ensemble


How did you first become involved?

Cantabile Singers: An Evening of Spirituals & Folksongs - 3 July 2021

Who: Cantabile Singers Inc
An Evening of Spirituals & Folksongs
Burnside City Uniting Church – 384 Portrush Rd, Tusmore
Saturday 3rd July 2021, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Tickets are $25 per person. Book on Trybooking or purchase at the door


Cancer Council SA: Daffodil Day - 24 August 2018

What: Daffodil Day, the Cancer Council fundraising event  
When: Friday 24 August
How: Buy a daffodil to help fund vital cancer research or donate online
Visit: or call 1300 65 65 85.

Cancer Council SA: Daffodil Day - 26 August 2016

The Cancer Council provides support and information services for all South Australian’s affected by cancer.

SAcommunity contacted the Cancer Council SA for their fundraiser Daffodil Day Friday 26 August to find out more about the campaign. They gave us Alex’s story, someone who has had their own experience with cancer and would like to encourage other people to support the day and join the fight to beat cancer.

Alex's Story

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